Certificado medalla de plata Ebroacero
Certificado medalla de plata Ebroacero

EcoVadis awards the Silver Medal to Ebroacero

EcoVadis has awarded the silver medal to Ebroacero for the second consecutive year and places them in the 25% of best scores. This is in addition to all the efforts we are making at Ebroacero and highlights our commitment to sustainability.

What is EcoVadis?

It is a platform specialized in measuring the quality of sustainability management system of a company through its policies, actions and results. The evaluation focuses on 21 indicators grouped into 4 thematic groups: the environmental impacts, labor practices and human rights, ethics y sustainable purchasing. Each company is evaluated on the material aspects corresponding to the size, location and sector of the company.

Scores and medals

Scores are obtained between 0 and 100, and are divided into 4 medals (bronze, silver, gold, platinum).

  • Platinum: 1% of the best scores (Score between 75 and 100)
  • Oro5% of the best scores (Score between 67 and 74)
  • Silver25% of the best scores (Score between 56 and 66)
  • Bronze50% of the best scores (Score between 47 and 55)


The assessed company has the opportunity to benchmark its score against its industry standards. Combining the results of the scorecard with the areas for improvement generates a competition for excellence in which entire industries seek to achieve global best practices. EcoVadis has awarded the silver medal to Ebroacero, which places us in the 25% of companies with the best score.

These criteria are based on international sustainability standards, such as the Ten principles of the UN Global Compactthe conventions of the International Labor Organization (ILO)the rules of the Global Reporting Initiative (GRI)the standard ISO 26000the CERES roadmap and the UN Guiding Principles on Business and Human Rights.

Advantages of the EcoVadis Medal

  1. Evaluating sustainability performance of your company in four key areas: Environment, Labor Practices and Human Rights, Ethics and Sustainable Procurement, identifying strengths and areas for improvement.
  2. Benchmark your company's sustainable performance with industry and regional assessments to gain a comparative perspective.
  3. Communicate and share sustainability performance with business partners through the EcoVadis platform, enabling real-time updates and access to various tools and certifications.
  4. Take action on identified areas of improvement and collaborate with business partners through a Corrective Action Plan.
  5. Maintain a focus on continuous improvement through annual reassessments of your company's sustainability performance.

Our commitment

Our future commitment to sustainability is strong and resolute. We value the importance of maintaining responsible business practices that not only benefit our organization, but also the environment and society in general. In this sense, EcoVadis plays a fundamental role in providing us with a platform that allows us to continuously evaluate our performance in critical areas such as environmental impact, labor practices and human rights, ethics and sustainable procurement, and to identify areas for improvement and set concrete goals for the future. EcoVadis has evaluated these areas and awarded Ebroacero a silver medal.


We are determined to further reduce our impact. This includes reducing our carbon emissions, managing natural resources responsibly, and adopting sustainable practices throughout our supply chain. We aim not only to comply with legal and regulatory requirements, but also to lead the way in mitigating the effects of climate change.

Labor practices and human rights

We are committed to the well-being of our employees. We will continue to promote a safe, inclusive, and fair work environment, respecting the fundamental rights of all people involved in our operation. In addition, we will strive to ensure that our suppliers share these values and are aligned with our standards.


It is a fundamental pillar of our company. We are committed to maintaining high ethical standards in all our operations and business relationships. Transparency and integrity are essential to us, and we will continue to work to ensure that our business practices meet the highest ethical standards.

Sustainable purchasing

Last but not least, we are committed to promoting sustainable purchasing. This involves carefully selecting our suppliers and fostering long-term relationships with those who share our vision of sustainability.

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