Trabajadores de Ebroacero posan con el premio PYME de la CEOE
Trabajadores de Ebroacero posan con el premio PYME de la CEOE

CEOE Aragón Empresa Awards

On Tuesday, July 11, the headquarters of Caja Rural de Aragón hosted the gala ceremony of the second edition of the Aragon Business Awards granted by the CEOE. These awards recognize the work of the Aragonese business network and its socioeconomic development.

Awards Gala

To open the Aragon Business Awards gala, the President of CEOE Aragon, Miguel Marzo, said a few words highlighting the economic contribution and social value of companies in Aragon, "I want all companies in Aragon to be represented, because thanks to the work they do, their initiatives and above all their enormous commitment, we have a prosperous Autonomous Community to be proud of", he said. He also referred to the diversity of the Aragonese business fabric, "the self-employed, who put all their energies into making a personal project prosper"; the SMEs, "who sow with economic activity and life the streets of our cities, industrial estates and towns"; and the large companies, "a symbol of growth that drags with its impulse" all the rest of the productive sector. All of them fit in CEOE and its commitment to the growth of our region," he said.

During the presentation of the event, the General Manager of Caja Rural de Aragón, Luis Ignacio Lucas, also highlighted the relevance of the productive network and the "commitment of our companies to the territory". Likewise, the mayors of Huesca, Lorena Orduna; Teruel, Enma Buj; and Zaragoza, Natalia Chueca, were in charge of the presentation of the respective awards.

Representantes de la empresas ganadoras en los Premios Empresa de Aragón
Premios Empresa de Aragón

Award winners

In this second edition of the awards, 68 nominations were submitted, and the winners were:

  • Great Company. Hiberus.
  • SMES. Ebroacero
  • Projection of Aragon. Podoactiva
  • Self-employed. Marisol Morell Hairdresser and Beautician.
  • Corporate Sustainability. Confecciones Oroel.
  • Contribution to the rural environment. Delicacies of the Earth.

In our case we have been awarded with the Premios Empresa de Aragón in the SME category. This recognition is a testimony of our hard work, dedication and success in the business field. We would like to thank CEOE Aragón for this honor and recognition of our commitment to excellence and growth. This award encourages us to continue innovating and contributing to the economic development of our region.

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